Website construction, static pages and dynamic pages how to chooseWhy should e-commerce website construction use static page production? We all know that website production is divided into static page...

Read the Internet Queen and her report: Investment in the Internet, Bible, stock selection guide
In the early morning of May 31st, Beijing time, Mary Mickel, who is known as the “Queen of the Internet”, published the Internet Trend Report for 2018, which is the 23rd year of her Internet report.Th...

Novice science! What is the user interface and experience design?
Z Yuhan: User Interface (UI) design is one of several interdisciplinary topics involved in designing software products. Whether it is user experience (UX, User Experience), interaction design (ID, Int...

Differences in user interface design and experience design
Note: The User Interface (UI) design is one of several interdisciplinary topics involved in designing software products. Whether it is user experience (UX, User Experience), interaction design (ID, In... Single-page SEO station group technology, with 10 websites to optimize the ranking!
Many SEO partners understand that search engine ranking optimization is optimized by internal and external websites. When users search for corresponding keywords, the website can be ranked in front of...

The relationship between website design and SEO, the master is analyzed from these four dimensions!
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and effective website design go hand in hand. Good website design is about creating a website that appeals to your target audience and letting them take some action. H...